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Aerodrom Nikola Tesla - (Avijacija)

[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=464120#p464120:3mvh66mc je napisao(la):
marat » 07 Jul 2017 07:40 am[/url]":3mvh66mc] Tako da sto se lupetanja tiče ...dolično ti ide...
Evo, ko je počeo sa 'lupetanjem'.... ali, dovoljno sam pisao o tom predlogu.... odjava.
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=464116#p464116:duzcai9m je napisao(la):
dragan » 07 Jul 2017 06:09 am[/url]":duzcai9m]
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=464113#p464113:duzcai9m je napisao(la):
boca-ica » 07 Jul 2017 06:54 am[/url]":duzcai9m]
jasno je propisano ko ima takva ovlascenja i ko to radi. a to nije nit moze biti ikakvo FTO a po najmanje ANTa
Biće propisao od strane ANTa, jer je on vlasnik celog aerodroma, pa i parkinga ispred zgrade.

Nego, jel ima nekih sanitarnih mera za ovakvo trolovanje i lupetanje o 'topuzima i mačevima' ?
Ipak ce biti da si ti poceo.
Ako se iskljucujes.
Otvoren novi terminal na beogradskom aerodromu

Terminal 2B ima ukupno 10 šaltera za čekiranje, a Terminal 1 će imati 18 šaltera i biće završen do kraja meseca.
Vrednost radova na oba terminala je milijardu dinara. Ta dva terminala će za dva miliona povećati kapacitet broja
putnika, odnosno sa 5,5 miliona koliko se očekuje u 2017. godini na 7,5 miliona putnika.

„Mislim da mozemo da budemo ponosni nakon tri godine na sva ulaganja koja je aerodrom iz sopstvenih prihoda
uložio u razvoj. Sve će nam to pomoći da aerodrom primi 7,5mil putnika. Aerodrom Nikola Tesla je aerodrom koji
ima najbrži rast u celom regionu i sve strategije pokazuju da beogradski aerodrom jeste aerodrom za konekciju i tranzit”,

http://www.politika.rs/sr/clanak/384462 ... kola-Tesla
Trenutno T2 izgleda losije od T1 i ovog nazovi T2b dela.
Malo se oni tu frljaju sa nazivima, terminal bi trebalo da bude nešto što osim check-in deskova ima i sve ostalo potrebno za prijem i otpremu putnika, ali ajde.
E sad, oba i 2b i 1 izgledaju dobro, i sad meni uopšte nije jasna priča sa koncesijom. Zagreb je uveo koncesionara u priču sa ciljem da izgradi kompletno novi terminal, a kod nas je aerodrom potrošio svoj novac da sve sredi i onda se ide u koncesiju. Šta onda ostaje da se eksplicitno traži od koncesionara? Da gradi hotel - pa to može biti i posao nekog drugog, a ne koncesionara aerodroma, da gradi novu pistu - to bi bilo ok, ali mislim da to neće biti traženo, da koncesionar učestvuje u gradnji železničke veze - to nije posao aerodroma (iako može da bude učesnik u tome, ali ipak je to posao ž. infrastrukture), pa neće ni koncesionar da se hvata za to.
Koncesija beogradskog aerodroma - dobitak ili promašaj?

"Zašto koncesija? Interes je samo jedan i to je dugoročan razvoj aerodroma.
Koncesija nije prodaja, koncesija je način da uložimo još više, bez obzira na to kakvi su
danas rezultati aerodroma, nemoguće je obezbediti tako velike količine novca za razvoj
aerodroma u narednih 20, 30 godina", rekla je Mihajlović. ...link

Nekad je postojao projekat 'Kapija Srbije' u kojem je bila i druga pista, kargo-centar i
privredna zona oko aerodroma, podzemna pruga do autoputa (dalje nedzemna) , hotel, ....
Narodu, koji ce 2 sata pre potrositi na citanje ko je kome popu__o i ko je koga tuc_o, pretukao, opsovao (...) nego da ta dva sata potrosi da 'istrazi' AB NT i njegovo poslovanje, lako je uvaliti svakakvu nebulozu, pa i ovakvu kakvu Mihajlovicka (& CO) prodaju.

Kada stetan ugovor bude ba snazi, doticna i njena ekipa ce odavno biti van interesa gradjanstva (medija), sa znacajno uvecanom licnom imovinom i vezama tamo gde treba.

Sent from my LG-D320 using Tapatalk
Nije mi jasno što nisu sve stubove obložili crvenim panelima ili obojili u crveno?
Ovaj takozvani T2b izgleda odlično, ali T1 mi je nekako "bledunjav", trebalo je i tu ubacti neke crvene detalje(stubove, stakla, panele) da razbije nekako tu monotonost.
Sto podove nisu odradili na ulazu u terminal ? Ostale su iste ostecene i razbijene plocice i to se dobro vidi na videu kad ministarka ulazi. :violina:
Terminal 1 je pod zaštitom države kao spomenik arhitekture pa je potpuno zabranjeno menjati obloge na zidovima i podovima. Mozaik na stubovima je takođe pod zaštitom u smislu boje i izgleda pa se ne može menjai.
Od ponedeljka radovi na sanaciji Aerodromskog puta

"Radovi podrazumevaju kompletnu obnovu asfalta površine 22.000 metara kvadratnih", rekao je Vesić u izjavi Tanjugu, napominjući da je vrednost radova 102.000.000 dinara.

On je precizirao i da radovi predviđaju ugradnju novih ivičnjaka ka srednjem razdelnom travnatom pojasu dužžine 2.700 metara, ugradnju novih slivnika sa pripadajućim vezama u cilju rešavanja odvođenja površšinskih voda, postavljanje nove elastično odbojne ograde na bočnim ivicama saobraćajnica dužžine 3.900 metara.

http://www.blic.rs/vesti/beograd/od-pon ... ta/9tb4h7q
Napokon neće biiti onog divljačkog livadskog parkiranja..... bar se nadam
[url=http://beobuild.rs/forum/viewtopic.php?p=464548#p464548:ylcdjaml je napisao(la):
87gane » 09 Jul 2017 06:27 pm[/url]":ylcdjaml]Terminal 1 je pod zaštitom države kao spomenik arhitekture pa je potpuno zabranjeno menjati obloge na zidovima i podovima. Mozaik na stubovima je takođe pod zaštitom u smislu boje i izgleda pa se ne može menjai.

Slana sala ali me nebi cudilo :bash:

fb Serbian Spotters-Aleksandar Srećković
U planu je da se uradi prosirenje same zgrade kontrole letenja pri aerodromu (oko 3000m2) i izgradnja novog tornja visine 70m. Toranj ce imati dva lifta jedan za ljudstvo i drugi za prenos opreme i potrebe njenog servisiranja. Za sad je tek u izradi projektna dokumentacija pa se o krajnjem roku za izgradnju novog tornja ne zna previse.
Uspostavljena čarter linija Beograd-Teheran

Iranska aviokompanija Qeshm Air uspostavlja seriju čarter letova između Teherana i Beograda.

Ova kompanija će prevoziti iranske turiste koji dolaze u posetu Srbiji, a prva grupa je juče,
13. jula, sletela na beogradski Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” (AERO).

Letovi će se obavljati kao redovna čarter serija na svake dve nedelje, između 13.jula i 21.sep. 2017.
Avion iz Teherana će dolaziti u Beograd u 14 časova, a povratak za Teheran je planiran u 15.30.
Business Traveller
Why is Oslo Airport called the world's greenest?
Miquel Ros, CNN • Updated 14th July 2017

(CNN) — With air traffic increasing worldwide each year, finding ways to make aviation more environmentally friendly has become crucial.
And while aviation manufacturers are looking for greener ways to fly, from electric planes to biofuels, architects are aiming to make airports more environmentally friendly.

At first glance, it looks like a major challenge. After all, airports are mass transportation nodes that consume lots of energy. Yet, a combination of engineering smarts and the determination of some airport operators can go a long way.

The Nordic touch


The new airport combines style and environmental efficiency.

In line with the region's reputation for environmental awareness, Scandinavia is home to what's been called the most environmentally friendly airport in the world.

We're talking about the new terminal at Oslo Airport, which opened to the public in April. This new facility increases the airport capacity to 32 million passengers a year.

The terminal is the first airport building in the world to receive an "Excellent" BREEAM rating, a certification scheme that assesses the sustainability of buildings and civil work projects worldwide.

"At Oslo Airport, the focus was on procurement of environmentally friendly building materials, innovative energy solutions and waste management," says Henriette Berg, project manager at WSP in Norway, one of the organizations involved in the certification process.
Bjørn Olav Susæg of Nordic, the Oslo-based firm that designed the terminal, says the ambitious goal was to cut energy consumption in half.
"We did not start this project with the goal of becoming the world's most environmentally friendly airport," he says.

The architects relied on a holistic approach to minimize the carbon footprint.

Not only do the terminal's walls and windows aim to make maximum use of daylight -- quite a challenge in the Scandinavian winter -- natural materials such as locally sourced stone and wood from sustainably managed forests are used generously throughout the building.
"In addition to being a very energy-efficient material, wood gives the terminal a very Nordic identity," says Susæg. "We believe that after an era where most airports look the same, it is time to highlight those elements that can give travelers a sense of place, a sense that they are in a particular location, with its own local identity."

Snow cooled

Not only is this new terminal green, it has doubled the capacity of Norway's capital airport overnight.

One way it makes the most out of local conditions is its snow-based cooling system. During winter, snow is collected and stored in a depot and covered by sawdust for insulation.

Come summer, the meltwater is used to cool down the terminal building, reducing the amount of energy consumption during peak hours. In winter, the airport makes use of natural thermal energy for heating.

When it comes to waste, the terminal project achieved a sorting grade of 91%, which means that only 9% of discarded construction materials is classified as "general waste." The rest is sorted and handled separately.

Another remarkable feature of the new design -- testament to its efficient use of the space -- is the fact that despite the airport increasing in size, the maximum walking time to gates has remained the same.

Meanwhile, in nearby Finland, national airport operator Finavia is also getting its act together when it comes to the environment. The company, which manages 21 airports throughout the country, has an ambitious program to become carbon neutral by 2020.

In fact, Helsinki-Vantaa airport, the largest in Finavia's network, may actually reach this goal as early as this year, when a large solar plant located in the airport grounds starts producing energy.

Airport buses and vehicles will also switch to renewable fuels or electricity and the airport operator plans to engage in market-based carbon compensation schemes.

A global trend

Other airports are following in the footsteps of Oslo.

Despite their pioneering roles, the Nordics are hardly alone in the quest to make airports more sustainable.

Mahesh Ramanujam, president and CEO of the US Green Building Council (USGBC), the organization that issues global green building LEED certification, highlights Terminal 3 at Delhi's Indira Gandhi Airport and Galapagos Ecological Airport as examples of facilities that have achieved gold certification.

At the Delhi airport, energy and water is conserved by maximizing natural light, harvesting rainfall, installing an on-site solar power plant and sewage treatment plant, and having an integrated building management system to optimize operations.

In the Galapagos, a particularly environmentally sensitive location, the airport constructed 75% of its infrastructure from recycled materials. It uses its own desalination plant for fresh water and is almost 100% powered by wind and solar energy.

"Airports require large areas of land and are hubs of energy use, water use, waste and emissions, so when we talk about sustainability and airports, we're not just talking about the environment.

"We're also talking about the significant financial and human health benefits associated with greening these spaces," explains Ramanujam.

Game-changing innovation

Finland's Helsinki-Vantaa Airport is introducing a large solar plant on the airport grounds.

Pere Suau-Sanchez, director of the MSc in Airport Planning and Management at the UK's Cranfield University, agrees.

"Until recently most of the environmental initiatives in the airport industry revolved around two key issues: emissions and noise," he says.
"These, of course, remain top priorities, but what we are seeing now is a more holistic approach where airport operators are looking at the energy efficiency of the terminals, waste and water management and myriad other aspects."

While we await the era of electric planes, right now it seems that the key to greener airports isn't in a single game-changing innovation, but in the accumulation of small positive changes around the world.

Izvor (i još slika): http://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/o ... index.html