Šta je novo?

Svemirska istraživanja

90-to godišnji kapetan Kirk se vraća sa još jednog putovanja ...

Lucy in the sky with diamond.

Danas je poletela "Lusi", sa pravim, 4 cm velikim dijamantom u sebi, na 12 godina dugačak put ka Jupiteru i njegovim Trojanskim asteroidima. Tako su ne samo naučnici, nego i Lenon i Makartni i čitava njihova 1968-maška generacija, konačno stvarno dočekali svoju Lusi na nebu, sa dijamantom u sebi i djamantima oko sebe.

I, uz to, neku vrstu večnosti. A sa njima čak i Srbi. Jer posle kraja cele misije Lusi će trajno ostati u orbiti oko Sunca, negde u nivou Jupitera, koja će biti stabilna stotine hiljada, pa možda i milion godina. Pa ako nekog dalekog dana naši naslednici, koji su možda davno zaboravili sve o nama isto kao što mi ne znamo ništa o hiljadama generacija stvaraoca pre pisane istorije, nalete na ovu nebesku Lusi, tamo će naći našu poruku njima. A tu su reči ne samo Bitlsa nego i jednog Srbina ...

Lucy in the sky with diamond 1.jpg



Poruke na plaketi. Iznad i levo od njih je raspored planeta u trenutku lansiranja kao neka vrsta večnog kalendara, za slučaj da tada više ne bude nikoga kome natpis "October 2021" još uvek nešto znači.

When the axe came into the woods, many of the trees said, “At least the handle is one of us.” – Turkish Proverb

Billy Collins (1941–) American Poet who served as Poet Laureate of the United States from 2001-2003.

This alone is what I wish for you: knowledge. To understand each desire has an edge, to know we are responsible for the lives we change. No faith comes without cost, no one believes without dying.

There are no curses – only mirrors held up to the souls of gods and mortals.

Believe in yourself, go ahead – see where it gets you.

Rita Dove (1952–) American poet and essayist who served as Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress from 1993 to 1995, the first African American appointed to that role.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day. Never lose a holy curiosity. Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. He is considered successful in our day who gets more out of life than he puts in. But a man of value will give more than he receives.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-born theoretical physicist who changed humanity’s perception of the world.

Above the fields, above the roofs of the village houses, the brilliance that made all life possible becomes the cold stars.

Lie still and watch: they give nothing but ask nothing.

Louise Gluck (1943–) American poet and essayist awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Blessed be the people who see
The dream in the bones of Lucy:
That the worlds braved by humankind
Be worlds that leave us humans kind.
Let each dawn find us courageous,
Heeding the light forevermore.
May ancient hope implore us,
At our uncompromising core,
To keep rising for an earth more
Than worth fighting for.

Amanda Gorman (1998–) American poet and activist who was the first person to be named National Youth Poet Laureate.

Remember the earth whose skin you are: red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth, brown earth, we are earth.
Remember the plants, trees, animal life who all have their tribes, their families, their histories, too.
Remember you are all people and all people are you. Remember you are this universe and this universe is you.

Joy Harjo (1951–) Member of the Muscogee Nation and United States poet laureate, the first native American to receive that honor.

When you’ve seen beyond yourself then you may find peace of mind is waiting there.

George Harrison (1943-2001) English musician, singer-songwriter, and lead guitarist for the Beatles.

¡Adelante, adelaaante, Lucy!
Todos del pueblo cantaron
millones de millas recorrimos
celestes Trojans, el ojo de Júpiter, el Sol
2,000,000 de años jinetes solares
forjados de esperanza —
la tierra estaba dividida hubo
odio hubo enfermedades
la ártica deslizándose
nos reunimos florecimos
la bondad nos sanó
dando tumbos, Lucy nos protegió
por senderos planetesimales
el amor nos salvó
¿Quienes seremos?

Juan Felipe Herrera (1948–) American poet, performer, and the first Chicano United States poet laureate from 2015-2017.

Will you join your memories to ours? Can we be part of your history? Or has some chasm appeared by now to keep your dreams and ours forever apart? We’ve achieved things of which we’re proud; done many things of which we’re ashamed. Do you prefer us to drift past into the darkness? Or will you reach towards this frail extended hand in excited kinship?

Kazuo Ishiguro British author and musician, awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Literature.

We are not makers of history. We are made by history.

Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968) American minster and civil rights activist.

And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.

Sir Paul McCartney (1942–) English singer and songwriter who was a member of the Beatles, credited with co-writing Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

Who Wants to live Forever? – if love must die.

Brian May (1947–) English musician, singer-songwriter and astrophysicist who is the lead guitarist of the rock band Queen.

We all shine on . . . like the moon and the stars and the sun.

John Lennon (1940-1980) English singer-songwriter, member of the Beatles, and primary author of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.”

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.

Yoko Ono (1933–) Artist, singer, songwriter and peace activist, and wife of John Lennon before his death.

Daha çok sevmek,daha çok gülmek,daha çok düşünmek isterdik.Daha çok görmek,daha çok anlamak,daha çok güvenmek isterdik.Şimdi bizden kalanlar bu istekler ve bu kelimeler. Huzur, rüyalar, uyku ve öpüşler vardı. İnsanlar,meyvalar,kagıtlar ve kalemler de vardı. Çünkü hiçbir şey hayat kadar şaşırtıcı olamaz.Yazı hariç. Evet, tabii, tek teselli yazı hariç.

Orhan Pamuk (1952–) Turkish novelist, awarded the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Cutting off fundamental, curiosity-driven science is like eating the seed corn. We may have a little more to eat next winter but what will we plant so we and our children will have enough to get through the winters to come?

Carl Sagan (1934-1996) Astronomer and science communicator who assembled the pioneer plaque and voyager golden record.

I’m writing to you from a world you’ll have a hard time imagining, to a world I can’t picture no matter how hard I try. Do you still have birds that wake you up in the morning with their singing and lovers who gaze at the stars trying to read in them the fate of their love? If you do, we’ll recognize one another.

Charles Simic (1938–) Serbian American Poet, Pulitzer Prize winner for poetry and Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress.

We, the inquisitive people of Earth, sent this robot spacecraft to explore the pristine small bodies orbiting near the largest planet in our solar system. We sought to trace our own origins as far back as evidence allowed. Even as we looked to the ancient past, we thought ahead to the day you might recover this relic of our science.

Dava Sobel (1947–) American writer and science journalist, whose messages were also included in the pioneer plaques.

Peace and Love.

Sir Ringo Starr (1940–) English singer and songwriter who was the drummer for the Beatles.

“W całej naszej historii staraliśmy się poznać kim jesteśmy, skąd i dokąd idziemy. Jednak wszystko widzieliśmy osobno i nie umieliśmy dostrzec współzależności i powszechności wielopoziomowych skom-plikowanych związków. Dziś wiemy, że „osobno” jest złudzeniem, bo przecież jesteśmy okruchem czasu, cząstką przestrzeni, zaledwie akordem w nieskończenie wielkim koncercie. Wiedza, która nie potrafi łączyć ze sobą różnych faktów jest nic nie warta.”

Olga Tokarczuk (1962–) Polish writer and activist who was awarded the 2018 Nobel prize in literature.


"Lusi", naš predak. Tri milona godina pre nas. Njeno "ime" kao naša poruka onima milion godina posle nas.


Fabrike u svemiru možda još uvek izgledaju kao stvar dalje budućnosti, međutim nije tako. Na ISS-u su odavno vršeni eksperimenti u oblasti proizvodnje u bestežinskom stanju. Sem nedostatka gravitacije koja inače kvari savršeno ravnomerno mešanje komponenti novih materjala, prednost može biti i "besplatan" vakum, niske temperature i dobra termo izolacija pravog vakuma. Pošto treba računati sa vremenom za razvoj čitavog tehnološkog lanca (sama "fabrika" upakovana kao satelit, transport, 100% automatizacija proizvodnje, privatne svemirske komunikacije, upravljanje procesom na daljinu, pakovanje gotovih proizvoda, povratak bez oštećenja), upravo sada je pravo vreme za početak. Zbog toga nije čudno da se već pojavilo par firmi koje tvrde da su prilično blizu proba pojedinih komponenti osnovnog okruženja jedne takve "fabrike".

Gateway To Mars

Upoznajte jednu ozbiljno simpatičnu devojku :)

U početku sam se malo dvoumio u kojoj je meri ovaj entuzijazam iskren, ali kasnije ... videćete (takođe, kakve veze ima sa ovom temom).

Evo dakle jedne zabavne priče u obliku tri klasična narativna dela (koja bi trebalo gledati po redu), idealne za ono tužno vreme kad bi trebalo da radite nešto ozbiljnije, ali vam jednostavno ne ide.




Često se zaboravlja: Postojimo samo zahvljujući tome da smo na "živoj planeti", onoj sa još uvek aktivnim jezgrom.

Pa nije na odmet jedan trenutak poštovanja kad se posmatra sam čin stvaranja. Kao rađanje Feniksa, vatra je uvek bila i kraj i početak svega ostalog.

Island erupcija vulkana 2021.05.31.jpg

Poslednja izmena:
Možda nam kroz kalendar koji na poseban način beleži baš njihov položaj, jer vreme samo po sebi verovatno i ne postoji, zvezde danas šalju neku posebnu poruku? Da li je baš danas neka astrološko-numerološka prekretnica koja je oduvek bila zapisana u "tkanju sudbine"? :)

Usput, 33033033 ne postoji. Ni bilo koji viši datum. Ovo je poslednji.

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Postojao je jedan čovek koji je bio jednako zaljubljen i u ovu našu planetu i u sve ostale. To je Judžin Šumejker, geolog i osnivač moderne nauke o planetama. Posle tragične smrti 1997. postao je jedini čovek koji je ikada živeo čiji pepeo počiva na drugom nebeskom telu. 31. jula 1999. godine, svemirska sonda Lunar Prospector odnela je na Mesec deo njegovog pepela u posebno dizajniranoj kapsuli na kojoj je citat iz Šekspirovog "Romea i Julije":

And, when he shall die
Take him and cut him out in little stars
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.

U njegovu čast, i u spomen svih takvih ljudi, bend Nightwish sa Floor Jansen, Shoemaker:

Sidereus Nuncius (usually Sidereal Messenger, also Starry Messenger or Sidereal Message) is a short astronomical treatise (or pamphlet) published in New Latin by Galileo Galilei on March 13, 1610. It was the first published scientific work based on observations made through a telescope, and it contains the results of Galileo's early observations of the imperfect and mountainous Moon, the hundreds of stars that were unable to be seen in either the Milky Way or certain constellations with the naked eye, and the Medicean Stars (later Galilean moons) that appeared to be circling Jupiter.

Sidereus Nuncius contains more than seventy drawings and diagrams of the Moon, certain constellations such as Orion, the Pleiades, and Taurus, and the Medicean Stars of Jupiter. Galileo's text also includes descriptions, explanations, and theories of his observations.

Smithsonian Libraries

Dobar uvod u najavu velike parade planeta. Ne mogu da zamislim kako se Galilej osećao kad je video kako nebo zaista izgleda. A za nas ostale sa jeftinijim ulaznicama, tj bez teleskopa, utešna nagrada su povremene nebeske "pozorišne predstave". Jedna takva je upravo počela. Tokom čitavog aprila planete će, samo za nas, da igraju jedne oko druge :)

24. April 2022. :


Covek i zvezde.jpg
5 planeta u jednom kadru. Slično kao pre nekoliko godina, ali ravnomernije poređano. Potrudiću se da to ovekovečim kako treba.
Potvrđeno je da je 2014. godine u Zemlju udario objekat koji je doputovao sa nekog drugog zvezdanog sistema. Nalazi se na dnu Pacifika. Razmatraju se mogućnosti vađenja, mada njegovo nalaženje zbog maih razmera nije previše verovatno. Ovo otkriće povećava verovatnoću takvih događaja, pa bi teorija Panspermije, o međuzvezdanom o poreklu i širenju života, mogla biti značajnija nego što je do sada izgledalo.

US military confirms an interstellar meteor collided with Earth

Discovery of a Meteor of Interstellar Origin
Upravo sada Nasina posada "SpaceX Crew 4" prolazi iznad Beograda na svom putu ka Međunarodnoj svemirskoj stanici. Pa tako, ko želi, može da izađe napolje, pogleda u nebo i mahne im :)

Neobične posledice "šetanja" ose rotacije Zemlje. Uskoro gubimo "Severnu Zvezdu", a ni sazvežđa više neće biti tamo gde su bila.

Precession of the equinoxes.jpg

Maglovito se sećam da sam jednom davno čitao ovu knjigu sa fenomenalnim naslovom i ne previše upečatljivim sadržajem.


Moram priznati da mi je taj skoro zaboravljeni roman bio prva asocijacija kad sam video još jedna, isto tako naizgled obična vrata. Jedino što su ova na Marsu.

Takođe su skoro izgubljena i veoma teško vidljiva u pustom i haotičnom pejsažu. Ali kad ih jednom vidite, teško ih je zaboraviti.

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