Šta je novo?

Savski amfiteatar (Beograd na vodi)


Ипак - жардињере. Ипак, било би добро да је уместо сваке друге - клупа. Има, ипак, људи који би волели да седе ту.

Када би ђубретари били бржи, могли би да нађу пар нових патика - једну на канти, другу испред ње.

Мислим да ће се из Чистоће правдати како су те ђубријере у надлежности Зеленила :D
A седење тамо испод стуба моста није баш најсигурније, сећам се када је један млађи човек одатле пао доле на обалоутврду и тешко повредио главу, истицала му крв из лобање.
Zapravo na tom mestu bi bilo daleko gore za vizuru Beograda.
Ne bi. Videla bi se reka i u centru njenog polukruga i njenog amfiteatra - soliteri i neboderi. A ne ovako, zid oko reke gde mu mesto nije. Takođe, staklene površine umesto betonskih bi pomogle da se šuma zgrada, refleksijom grada oko sebe, bolje utopi u svoje okruženje.

Soliteri, neboderi i veliki kompleksi su za Novi Beograd.
Poslednja izmena:
Nebo i zemlja u odnosu na turobni bgh2o.

Zamislite da je ovo napravljeno na obali reke, koliko bi lepše bilo.

Na ovoj fotografiji se odlično vidi da je od Bristola do kule trebalo praviti objekte javne namene i parkovske površine, a u ostatku do Sajma graditi spavaonice i tržne centre.

I još bolje se vidi da je BnV morao da bude na mestu luke Beograd.

In my honest opinion.
Irski biro NMP uklonio je sve svoje projekte za Beograd na vodi sa svog sajta, nakon što je N1 objavio tekst o tome, ali je čika Homer mislio na svoju raju sa Beobuilda, pa sve to lepo uštekao na kompu i voila!

Prvo projekat za prstor autobuske stanice, koji se poklapa sa renderima koji već postoje na sajtu "Navodnog Beograda".

Belgrade Waterfront Plot 10

The project is situated at Plot 10, Belgrade Waterfront, Belgrade, Serbia and is determined in the Spatial Plan as a niche low rise residential complex with retail and restaurants located on ground level, facing outward in the surrounds, noted in this report as the Urban Streetscape, made up of streets SAO 1 (Vudro Vilson Boulevard), SAO 4, SAO 6 and Karadjordjeva Street. The residential units on ground level face the internal landscaped courtyard or Courtyard Garden.

A non-buildable area is defined by a 10m wide pipeline servitude dedicated to the infrastructure (sewerage collector) which serves as the linking element Gate Corridor, traversing the development in a north-west south-east direction.

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Sledeći projekat ide u sledećem postu!
Zatim idemo do Gazele, plac uz Savu naspram Galerije, tzv. Blok 27. Još malo glomaznih stambenjaka.

Belgrade Waterfront Plot 27

Niall Montgomery + Partners Landscape Architects were engaged by the Client, Eagle Hills, to collaborate with NRArchitects, to provide landscape design proposals for the proposed development of Belgrade Waterfront Plot 27A, Belgrade, Serbia.

The landscape design drivers for Belgrade Watefronts Plot 27 are underpinned by a desire to create an elegant and vibrant public realm firmly rooted in a sense of place and providing opportunities for a net gain in bio-diversity.

In examining the site context at both a wider and localised area the relationship between the historic city grain and the more contemporary city grid are clear to read. In reflecting both these approaches a fragmented geometry emerges to create a sympathetic human scale and sense of discovery and exploration. A space which can reinvent itself and adapt.

The building architecture has been derived from a strong geometric design language and so it sits boldly on the Sava. The landscape design proposals do not compete with this but rather compliment the straight lines by deconstructing them utilising acute angles to create spaces which address building frontage whilst breaking the scale. From the three core spaces have emerged to balance the water front and arrivals plaza, each of a different character with a flexibility in function from lawn, to woodland to urban forest.

The Rooftop Park for Belgrade Waterfronts Plot 27 Garage is ambitious and unique in its design and will be a world class residential amenity upon its delivery. The design is driven by capturing views out and over the River Sava and the city whilst mitigating against noise generated by the adjacent highway and general microclimatic conditions typical at height, particularly wind.

Wind protection is created by utilizing a glazed balustrade. This ensures views from the roof are retained but human comfort is maximized on windier days. Vegetation at the perimeter of the roof is kept low where views are framed and teller where residence need protection both from views in and outward creating variety in the planting design. The plant palate is selected from a series of native and robust plants which will provide year-round interest as well as habitat.

A series of spaces define and activate the rooftop gardens. At the end closest to the Sava a ‘Sky Lounge’ has been proposed. This will offer breathtaking views over the Sava and is complimented with a Rooftop Pavilion complete with catering facilities, lounges, music and TV’s ready for day to day use or for larger events and party’s. The pavilion spills outdoors with casual seating and lounges across the terrace and a bar seating area integrated with a raised planter.
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Konačno i ono što je najviše privuklo pažnju javnosti - planovi za Sajam. Onako mučki, iza leđa. Ljudi se svađaju da li je lepo ili nije. To je sekundarno, javna imovina nam se valja iza leđa u burazerskim dilovima.

Belgrade - Sava Promenade

The Sava Journey - A World Class Waterfront

Connecting park to park and driving social and economic prosperity.

Connecting with Water and the hidden Urban Landscape

• Completing the stepping stones of events and attractions

along the River Sava

• A Cultural and Ecological destination - Marina, Performing

Arts Centre, Ferry, River Tours, Belgrade Full Circle

• Varied experience along the Sava Promenada

• Rejuvenation of old train bridge and railway line

• Marine biology to clean up the water in the Bay of Cukarica

• Linking the waterfront to the urban districts
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Na sajtu je bio i render za revitalizaciju Starog železničkog mosta, ali bez ikakvog opisa:

Konačno i ono što je najviše privuklo pažnju javnosti - planovi za Sajam. Onako mučki, iza leđa. Ljudi se svađaju da li je lepo ili nije. To je sekundarno, javna imovina nam se valja iza leđa u burazerskim dilovima.

Pogledajte prilog 167370Pogledajte prilog 167371Pogledajte prilog 167372Pogledajte prilog 167373Pogledajte prilog 167374Pogledajte prilog 167375

Na sajtu je bio i render za revitalizaciju Starog železničkog mosta, ali bez ikakvog opisa:

Pogledajte prilog 167376
Prelepo. Nadam se da ce biti ostvareno.
Овај панорамски точак на доку таман да се ту скупља отпад који плута, а не низводно код Тхе куле Белграде.
Sad mi pada na pamet, zamislite da kabine idu do same vode i budu otvorene. Svako bi mogao bar po jednu flasu da izvuce iz reke i tako da doprinos cistoj zivotnoj sredini.
Заборављаш на варијације водостаја Саве у току године.