Šta je novo?


Jedna za Arijevca Mladića
Evo jedan video koji nema veze isključivo sa muzikom, ali mi je kao pečalbaru neizmerno simpatičan i budi mi nostalgiju. Iako je glavni lik Zadranin , uspeo je da kroz njemu specifičnu formu pokaže jedno lepo lice Beograda. Malo gitare presečeno sa malo razgovora , sve u svemu kvalitetnih 13tak minuta

Bravo za Kraljevo, spasimo reke! Darko na visini zadatka, kao i uvek

Jedna vesela sa prijateljskog nam Kipra, prosto mami na putovanje. :)

Milja i Milica u Knez Mihajlovoj

Zamislite, brod koji je plovio iz Nemačke za Argentinu potone ispred obala Kolumbije, pre stotinak godina. Talasi donesu na obalu tovar akordeona, koje Kolumbijci do tada nisu videli. Tako da su, ne znajući kako se instrument pravilno svira, izmislili svoje načine.

Glavni lik je Pacho Rada, ćale od 90+ godina sa 422 naslednika. Kralj i živa legenda akordeona, koji je
izumeo svoj muzički stil i autor je zilion hitova. A živi gladan u čatrnji.

Možda i najgotivnij dokumentarac o muzici koji sam gledao, na velikom platnu. Toplo preporučujem! :)

Kvalitet na yt je loš, ali može da se skine ili pazari.


"We are presenting
music for celebration
from the Caribbean coast
played on the accordion.

And we are presenting
the ‘Son’ of Pacho Rada
which came out of the
history of his school.

The accordion was born
in Germany,
those who can play it were
born in Colombia.

When you combine the two
lots of beautiful things come out.
We present Passeo and Merengue
and Puya played on accordion.

That is why we call it
Colombian music
and Pacho Rada who plays it
is Colombian, too."

Da nova radna nedelja započne u dobrom ritmu, svim članovima foruma žele Dakota i Edwin. :)


And you open the door and you step inside
Where inside our hearts
Now imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light
That's right, your pain
The pain itself is a white ball of healing light
I don't think so
This is your life, good to the last drop
Doesn't get any better than this
This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time
This isn't a seminar, this isn't a weekend retreat
Where you are now you can't even imagine what the bottom will be like
Only after disaster can we be resurrected
It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything
Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
Doesn't get any better than this
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
And it and it's ending one-minute at a time
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else
We are all part of the same compost heap
We are the all singing, all dancing, crap of the world
You are not your bank account
You are not the clothes you wear
You are not the contents of your wallet
You are not your bowel cancer
You are not your grande latte
You are not the car you drive
You are not your fucking khaki's
You have to give up, you have to give up
You have to realize that someday you will die
Until you know that, you are useless
I say let me never be complete
I say may I never be content
I say deliver me from Swedish furniture
I say deliver me from clever arts
I say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth
I say you have to give up
I say evolve, and let the chips fall where they may
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
Doesn't get any better than this
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
And it and it's ending one-minute at a time
You have to give up, you have to give up
I want you to hit me as hard as you can
I want you to hit me as hard as you can
Welcome to Fight Club
If this is your first night, you have to fight
Himna pravih beonostalgičara. :)

Koliko kul pesma. Uz neke pesme odrastes i nikad ih i ne slusas ozbiljno vec samo znas za njih i onda tek posle skapiras koliko su gotivne.

Bebo, let's be natural :wink:
