2012":3aioow5o je napisao(la):Praguc,
Niko na ovom forumu nije opterećen(osim tebe) sa nekim "Našim" i sl.toga ovde nije bilo za sada,a neće ni biti..
Uh kakve etikete to je nedopustivo prema bilo kome, a da ti više poštuješ sve forumaše,posebno one sa dugim stažom,koji drugima novijim članovima foruma služe za primer dobre komunikacije i uvažavanja..b]za početak moderator da obriše tvoj post [/b] :wink:
Ja pišem "Srbski" to je moje lično pravo,jer meni niko ne može da objasni u vezi književnosti kako se od reči Srbin,Srbija magično pretvara u "Srpski" :?:to nema veze sa nacionalizmom (osim u tvojoj glavi) već logikom..
U Srbiji se ne koristi izraz "Srbijanska vlast" ili "Srbijanski političar" ,odmah bi znali da nisi iz Srbije već iz okruženja,a zašto ti je to čudno?
P.S ne upotrebljavaj rečenicu "to nam govori" jer pišeš u svoje ime..ne predstavljaš ti nikoga na ovom forumu osim sebe.. :wink:
stf":gkruuqx1 je napisao(la):У слобоном демократском свету
orion":1s2ll7po je napisao(la):Још једна ствар, много битна а нама може бити од велике користи, Кинези нису огрезли у корупцији, они не иду на систем да корумпирају неког политичарчића и директорчића да би се домогли посла, и због тога прилоком пословања са Кинезима добит има и шира заједница а не само уски круг људи.
China suffers from widespread corruption. For 2012, China was ranked 80th out of 176 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, on par with Serbia and Trinidad and Tobago, ranking more corrupted with tied countries of Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Jamaica, Panama, and Peru, but more corrupted then Sri Lanka and most developed countries. Means of corruption include graft, bribery, embezzlement, backdoor deals, nepotism, patronage, and statistical falsification.[1]
Public surveys on the mainland since the late 1980s have shown that it is among the top concerns of the general public. According to Yan Sun, Associate Professor of Political Science at the City University of New York, it was corruption, rather than democracy as such, that lay at the root of the social dissatisfaction that led to the Tiananmen protest movement of 1989.
Since then, corruption has not slowed down as a result of greater economic freedom, but instead has grown more entrenched and severe in its character and scope. Business deals often involve participation in corruption.[5] In popular perception, there are more dishonest CCP officials than honest ones, a reversal of the views held in the first decade of reform of the 1980s.[3] China specialist Minxin Pei argues that failure to contain widespread corruption is among the most serious threats to China's future economic and political stability.[4] Bribery, kickbacks, theft, and misspending of public funds costs at least three percent of GDP.
Feanor":1hjuzte2 je napisao(la):Ја бих рекао у земљи где живе људи корупција је неминовност...
Da lobiranje je zvanicna korupcija.laki72":1qqsjj9t je napisao(la):Ja bih samo dodao da kada bi se ono sto se na zapadu zove `LOBIRANJE` podvelo pod korupciju, sto i jeste, redosled ove liste bi bio malo drugaciji....
vucko":oqccmyjn je napisao(la):Da lobiranje je zvanicna korupcija.
Lobbying scandals see UK fall in corruption table
The UK has dropped from 16th to 17th in the international corruption table, as worries over unfair lobbying and party political funding grow.
The report, published today by Transparency International, blames a 'revolving door' between government and business for the fall.
"Until the government acts with urgency to put a cap on party funding and introduce tougher regulation of lobbying and the revolving door, the UK will not be able to rise higher in global anti-corruption league tables."
LUCAS":earzddyu je napisao(la):seljacko-bezobrazno-nadasve-drskom korupcijom