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Belex - beogradska berza

Elem, svima je jasno da je kriza nastala jer su davali kredite svima. A rešenje? Menjanje računovodstvenih standarda, tako da banke mogu da prikriju gubitke. Sledeći mjehur su američke državne obveznice, koje štampaju kao ludi. Ako vam nije najjasniji mehanizam, pogledajte video fajlove na početku EEE teme.

Fighting Recklessness with Recklessness

John P. Hussman, Ph.D.
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Last week saw a continuation of the impenetrably misguided policy response to this financial crisis, which seeks to address the downturn by encouraging more of what got us into this mess in the first place. The U.S. Treasury's toxic assets plan, for instance, looks to "leverage" public funds (with the FDIC providing the “6-to-1 leverage”) in order to defend the bondholders of mismanaged financials who took excessive leverage. At the same time, the Treasury plans to limit the “competitive bidding” to a few hand-picked “managers” who will be encouraged to overpay thanks to put options granted at public expense. This is a recipe for the insolvency of the FDIC and an attempt to bail out bank bondholders using funds that have not even been allocated by Congress. The whole plan is a bureaucratic abuse of the FDIC's balance sheet, which exists to protect ordinary depositors, not bank bondholders.

On Thursday, the stock market cheered a move by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to relax FAS-157 (the “mark-to-market” accounting rule), allowing nearly insolvent financial companies to use more discretion in the models they use to assess fair value. Of course, the irresponsibly rosy assumptions built into these models have been a large contributor to this near-insolvency, because they virtually ignored foreclosure risks.

Notably, the one thing policy-makers have not done is to address foreclosure abatement in any serious way. The only way to get through this crisis without enormous collateral damage to ordinary Americans is by restructuring mortgage obligations (ideally using property appreciation rights), restructuring the debt obligations of distressed financial companies (ideally by requiring bondholders to swap a portion of their debt for equity), and abandoning the idea of using public funds to purchase un-restructurable mortgage debt (“toxic assets”). See On the Urgency of Restructuring Bank and Mortgage Debt, and of Abandoning Toxic Asset Purchases.

Look. You can play hot potato with the toxic assets all day long, and only outcome will be that the public will suffer the losses that would otherwise have been properly taken by the banks' own bondholders. You can tinker with the accounting rules all you want, and it won't make the banks solvent. It may improve “reported” earnings for a spell, but as investors who care about the stream of future cash flows that will actually be delivered to us over time, it is clear that modifying the accounting rules doesn't create value. It simply increases the likelihood that financial institutions will quietly go insolvent. I recognize that the accounting changes may reduce the immediate need for regulatory action, since banks will be able to pad their Tier 1 capital with false hope. But we have done nothing to abate foreclosures, and we are just about to begin a huge reset cycle for Alt-A's and option-ARMs. As the underlying mortgages go into foreclosure, it will ultimately become impossible to argue that the toxic assets would be worth much even in an “orderly transaction.”

Meanwhile, in a bizarre convolution of reality reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland, the Financial Times reported last week: “US banks that have received government aid, including Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase, are considering buying toxic assets to be sold by rivals under the Treasury's $1,000bn plan to revive the financial system.” And why not? They can put up a few percent of their own money, and swap each other's toxic assets financed by a bewildered public suddenly bearing more than 90% of the downside risk. The “investors” in this happy “public-private partnership” keep half the upside while ordinary Americans take the downside off of their hands. Some partnership.

With regard to the economy, there is quite a bit of optimism that the recent market advance represents a forward-looking call that the economy will recover in the second half of the year. Indeed, some analysts have noted that year-over-year consumer spending has only declined very slightly, hailing this as evidence that economic concerns are overblown. The difficulty is that consumer spending has never declined on a year-over-year basis, except in this downturn, so that slight decline is actually the worst showing for consumer spending in the available data. Likewise, capacity utilization has plunged to levels seen only in 1974 and 1982, both which were accompanied by far deeper valuation extremes than at present.

I recognize that given the depth of the recent decline, it seems as if stocks must be at once-in-a-lifetime valuations. Unfortunately, this is an artifact of the previous level of overvaluation. The depth of a bear market often has a loose relationship with the extent of the prior bull market (and particularly with the level of valuation of the prior bull), but there is very little relationship between the depth of a bear market and the subsequent bull.

If we assume that the long-term fundamentals of the economy have not been affected in any meaningful way by this economic downturn, then stocks are most likely priced to deliver long-term returns between 9-11% annually over the coming decade, with outlier possibilities of as much as 14% if the market ends the coming decade at historically overvalued levels, and as little as 4% if the market ends the coming decade at historically undervalued levels. Far from being once-in-a-lifetime values, prospective 10-year returns on the S&P 500 are not far from their historical norms here. Stocks are about fairly valued.

The only way that stocks could be considered extremely undervalued here is if we assume that the record profit margins of 2007 (based on record corporate leverage) are the norm, and will be quickly recovered. While we never rule out the potential for surprising strength or weakness in the markets or the economy, the assumption that profit margins will permanently recover to 2007 levels is equivalent to assuming that the past 18 months simply did not happen.

Still, given sufficient evidence of broad improvement in market action (which we take as a measure of risk tolerance and economic expectations), we wouldn't fight the combination of roughly fair values and a willingness of investors to bear risk. We've been carrying small “contingent” call option positions for a good portion of the recent advance. This helped to compensate for our low weightings in financials, homebuilders and other low-quality sectors that have enjoyed frantic short-covering. Still, with only about 1% of assets currently in those calls, our stance is still characterized as defensive here, as we are otherwise fully hedged. Again, we won't fight a broad improvement if it continues sufficiently, but if I were to make a guess, it would be that the potential downside in the S&P 500 from these levels could approach 30-40%. That is not a typo, and it is not a possibility that should be ruled out.

I have no idea how long investors will remain enthusiastic about trillion dollar band-aids and eroding the integrity of our accounting rules. I do know that at the end of the day, what matters is the long-term stream of deliverable cash flows that investors can actually expect to reach their hands. It's exactly that consideration that makes it clear that we will sink deeper into this crisis until we observe debt restructuring on a large scale. If we don't restructure the debt, the debt will fail, because for many borrowers, the cash flows aren't there, and it is not possible to service the debt on existing terms.

Market Climate

As of last week, the Market Climate for stocks was characterized by fair valuations (modestly but not significantly undervalued on measures based on prior earnings, still overvalued on measures that do not rely on a reversion to above-average profit margins in the future). Market action is demonstrating some favorable signs, particularly evident in breadth-based measures such as advancing versus declining issues, and we are willing to carry some call option exposure on that basis, but the overall price-volume behavior still appears more consistent with a standard bear market rally punctuated by periodic short-squeezes. Suffice it to say that we've got some amount of exposure to further market strength, but that we are skeptical that the recent advance has important information content about a pending economic recovery. So far, it looks very much like the interim advances often observed during periods of ongoing market weakness.

In bonds, the Market Climate last week was characterized by moderately unfavorable yield levels and relatively neutral yield pressures. The Strategic Total Return Fund continues to have the majority of its assets in medium term Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, with about 25% of assets allocated across precious metals shares, foreign currencies, and utility shares. I continue to believe that it is too early to purchase distressed corporate debt – the view that this sector is a bargain is predicated on the belief that the economy has worked its way through this deleveraging cycle and is ready to rebound in the months ahead.

Interestingly, though there is a lot of chatter in the stock market about the hope for improving economic conditions, it seems that the bond market didn't get the memo. Credit spreads have moved sideways or have even widened in recent weeks, including corporate-corporate spreads like AAA versus Baa. Many credit default swaps actually blew to new highs last week, though the additional jump the day before the FASB announcement seemed to me to be a speculative pop on the possibility that the FASB would leave mark-to-market alone. In any event, the non-uniform features of the recent advance don't appear particularly healthy. One gets a stronger signal about investors' risk preferences when a stock market advance is coupled by broad sector leadership (not just battered junk stocks), narrowing credit spreads, and a wide range of other elements of market action.

Izvor: Hussman Funds

Ovde će biti bolje tek kada državna revizorska institucija bude imala kadrove i resurse da ozbiljno radi svoj posao i kada se bude doneo zakon koji će omogućiti izdavanje (i trgovanje) municipalnim obveznicama. To će stvoriti kakvu-takvu likvidnost, a dodatna korist je što će morati da otpuštaju partijski i nesposoban kadar po opštinama ako misle da privuku nešto novca. Da li bi bilo ko kupio obveznice koje bi izdavao Leskovac sa sadašnjom upravom? Ili Kruševac sa radikalima? Kada se lokalna samouprava bude tretirala kao preduzeće, samo najbolje će dobiti novac. Ljudi će se grabiti za obveznice Inđije i drugih uspešnih opština. Verujem da je jedan od razloga otezanja donošenja odgovarajućeg zakona upravo činjenica da će dosta ljudi morati da leti sa posla. Sugrađani neće ulagati u lokalnu samoupravu kada znaju kakvi ljudi tamo rade.
Dobija li svet zamenu za dolar?

10. april 2009. | 13:08

Izvor: EMportal

Grad: London

Autor: Zdravko L. Dragaš

Ako su pesimisti možda i opravdano u prvi mah bili razočarani kompromisom kojim je okončan poslednji skup grupacije, G-20, zapravo vodećih članica u njemu, moguće je da su promašili u svom prethodnom /ne/rasploženju.

Svi će se složiti da je Međunarodni monetarni fond postao najveći dobitnik u Londonu. Ali, ne samo s toga što mu je kasa uvećana za trostruko veću sumu, sada svih 750 milijardi dolara, što mnogi i opravdano ocenjuju preteranim, već što mu je dodeljeno pravo na emisiju 250 milijardi dolara vrednih „specijalnih prava vučenja“. Šta se iza takvog poteza krije?

Već skoro otpisana najvažnija svetska finansijska institucija sada je, iznenada, dobila centralnu ulogu u spasavanju ali i kreaciji nove svetske monete. Instrument „specijalnog prava vučenja“ kreiran je još davne 1969. godine sa ciljem podržavanja bretonvudskog sistema fiksnog režima deviznih stopa među članicama Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda onda kada je ovaj bio pod dubokom sumnjom međunarodnih tržišta. Baš kao i sada. Nijeuspeo da se u međuvremenu jače nametne u svojoj predviđenoj ulozi. Baš kao da je čekao trenutak sličan ovome kome sada prisustvuujemo.

Još tada zamišljeno je da mu se vrednost određuje na dnevnom nivou, uzimajući, međutim, u obzir korpu četiri, sada najsnažnije valute, kakve su evro, dolar, jen i britanska funta sterlinga. Po potrebi se raspodeljuje među svojim članicama u proporciji spram kvota koje zemlje uplaćuju u fond odnosne institucije. Uvažava se kao komponenta vladinih deviznih rezervi i predviđen je da može biti korišćen kao kolaterala za moguće pozajmice što ustvari znači da ovakv instrument ima potencijal povećavanja globalne monetarne ponude. On je, međutim, od pomenutog vremena relativno retko bio u opticaju i više se koristio kao puka obračunsdka jedinica.

Tako je, međutim, bilo do sada, jer novo ovlašćenje, dodeljeno na poslednjem londonskom samitu, moglo bi da bude i direktan uvod u novi svetski monetarni poredak. Neki od najviđenijih monetarnih komentatora smatraju da je odlukom lidera G-20 praktično kreirana svetska moneta bez ikakve kontrole bilo kog nacionalnog monetarnog autoriteta. Ono što je do sada figuriralo u obličju svetskog novca bila je rezervna valuta, američki dolar, koga su neke zemlje, do sada, nagomilale u ogromnim količinama da su počele da se pitaju šta, praktično, sa njim da rade, sumnjajući i da će mu pod pritiskom aktuelne globalne finansijske i privredne krize autoritet neminovno biti u rapidnom opadanju. Nisu pogrešili.

Američki nacionalni dug sada je prešao jedanaest hiljada milijardi dolara i najveći je posle Drugog svetskog rata. Takva pozicija utiče na pritiske u pravcu povećanja stope prinosa na instrumente duga što sa svoje strane minira vrednost obligacija koje drže svi oni koji su investirali u ovakve hartije. Pre svih to su Kinezi, potom Japanci, Rusi i ostali. Nije tajna da su i pre održanog skupa u Londonu, na samo nedelju dana ranije, među četvoricom najvećih iz bloka zemalja pod nazivom BRIC, a to su Kina, Rusija, Brazil i Indija, vođeni najozbiljniji razgovori oko smene dolara i nametanja nekog novog monetarnog rešenja za ceo svet. Kina je, čak, i javno optirala za sada predloženo rešenje. Hladan tuš je, međutim, nedavno došao sa američke strane kada je novoizabrani američki predsednik, Barak Obama, rekao da ne postoji nikakva potreba za takvim rešenjem.

Istina je da bi, eventualno, nametanje nove monete u međunarodnom valutnom saobraćaju tražilo prihvatanje koje bi moralo imati tek karakter postepenog uvođenja. Rusija je, na primer, i javno progovorila da bi mesto dolara ponovo moglo zauzeti zlato. Radikalno i izazovno ali ne i novo rešenje. Bez obzira na to, činjenica je da je otvorena knjiga za uvođenje ako ne i nametanje novog internacionalnog sredstva vrednovanja i plaćanja. Kina je odnedavno počela da sklapa i bilateralne monetarne aranžmane sa drugim zemljama. Od decembra prošle godine takva vrsta dogovora je napravljena već sa šest država. Neke od njih su veoma značajni kineski trgovinski partneri kao, na primer, Južna Koreja. Te druge zemlje će, tako, uvoz kineske robe na svoja tržišta moći od sada da plaćaju i u kineskim juanima.

Teško je, ipak, zamisliti da bi kineska moneta, koja je veoma strogo kontrolisana i kojom se ne trguje na stranim tržištima, mogla u neko dogledno vreme predstavljati konkurenta ili čak aspiranta na vodeću svetsku monetarnu poziciju. Ali, da bi ste krenuli i na najduži put potrebno je napraviti prvi korak. A to je baš stara kineska poslovica. Ne bi je trebalo smetnuti s uma! U svakom slučaju razmišlja se o alternativnom rešenju što je već po sebi sama revolucija.

13/05/2009 19:38 | Beograd
Municipalne obveznice privilegija bogatih opština

Autor: M. Janjić

Beograd - Municipalne, odnosno opštinske obveznice predstavljaju jedno od efikasnijih rešenja za obezbeđivanje novih izvora finansiranja na tržištu kapitala, iako ih lokalne samouprave, ne samo u Srbiji nego i u regionu, nedovoljno koriste kao jedan od načina za pribavljanje dodatnih finansijskih sredstava, zaključeno je juče na konferenciji „Razvoj tržišta za emisiju opštinskih obveznica u Srbiji“ koje je organizovala Nacionalna alijansa za lokalni ekonomski razvoj.

Radovan Jelašić, guverner Narodne banke Srbije, ukazao je na činjenicu da je jedan od preduslova da opštinske obveznice zažive, da gradovi koji će ih emitovati raspolažu sopstvenim prihodima, odnosno da ne zavise od transferisanih sredstava države. „Ali, i za taj posao neophodna je podrška države, koja bi trebalo da odluči kada će da uvede novi sistem dodatnog finansiranja“, rekao je guverner, uz napomenu da NBS može da pruži potrebnu pomoć.

- Samo opštine sa većim brojem stanovnika i koje ostvaruju veće prihode, moći će da emituju municipalne obveznice. Tačnije, obveznice bi u ovom trenutku mogla da emituju četiri grada - izjavio je novinarima Slobodan Ilić, državni sekretar u Ministarstvu finansija. Na pitanje da li će investitori biti spremni da ulažu u te obveznice, on je rekao da sve zavisi od finansijskih izveštaja opština i uverenja investitora da je reč o sigurnim i nerizičnim hartijama od vrednosti, a prvu emisiju municipalnih obveznica trebalo bi krajem godine da emituje pilot grupa od tri ili pet opština.

Posmatrano iz ugla korisnika, kupovina opštinskih obveznica podrazumeva relativno visoku kamatu i nizak rizik investicija, dok se prihod od obveznica najčešće ne oporezuje.

JELAŠIĆ: Prva tranša kredita 15. maja

- Sledeće nedelje, najverovatnije 15. maja, Srbija će moći da povuče prvih 800 miliona evra iz aranžmana dogovorenog sa MMF-om. Do kraja godine moći ćemo da povučemo ukupno 2,1 milijardu evra. Uslov za to je da misija Fonda, koja bi trebalo da dođe u Srbiju krajem avgusta, povoljno oceni realizaciju mera - izjavio je guverner NBS Radovan Jelašić.

Izvor: Danas
pominjao sam par puta Forex (foreign exchange), berzu (mada je to loš izraz jer nije centralizovana) valuta. Elem, naleteo sam na članak koji jako plastično opisuje kako funkcioniše njegov retail deo (2% prometa). Lavovski deo obuhvataju transakcije tipa hoću da kupim 60.000 Tojoti i da ih prodam u SAD, znači da moram da prodam 100 miliona dolara i da za te pare kupim odgovarajuću količinu jena jer je cena kola izražena u jenima.

Essential Things To Know About Broker Operations

08 Aug, 2009 @ 07:43 am ET | By Javier Paz

Basic statistics

Forex brokerage firms service retail clients began to emerge in force in the year 1999. The foreign exchange "interbank market" existed, however, for many decades prior. Retail brokers channel the trading interest of an estimated 5-6 million Forex retail traders worldwide.

Worldwide, Forex Datasource estimates that there are approximately 100 Forex broker dealers that have more than 1000 clients each. To get a sense of how much trading volume passes through the hands of Forex brokers, it is useful to look at statistics from the largest broker in the market, Forex Capital Markets (FXCM). As of Jan 2009, FXCM claims to have more than 125,000 accounts trading its platforms. Also according to official sources, the FXCM monthly trading volume is $0.5 trillion - as a reference, the foreign exchange volume that normally trades per day in the interbank market is US$ 3.2 trillion.

What a broker needs to start doing business

Before a Forex brokers opens the door for business, they have invested time and money to prepare the backoffice that will allow them to offer electronic trading of currencies to retail traders. The elements that they must have are: a trading platform, a sophisticated backoffice system, and a bridge interface to interact with participants in the interbank currency market.

The trading platform is what the retail trader experiences when they see charts, news, prices, and quotes. All of this information comes from the broker backoffice systems: price engine, trade servers, account servers, web servers, news servers, etc. The trading platform integrates all of this information in a format that, hopefully, is user-friendly and intuitive. Both the platform and the backoffice are part of the same system.

If a broker offers more than one platform, they have added complexity because they had to have one more element (not pictured in the diagram above): a front-end bridge interface between the new platform and the existing backoffice systems. On a side note, the more platforms a broker offers, the more complex will be to manage currency risk, keep the systems synchronized, and maintain systems uptime.

Getting FX price quotes.

Before prices appear in a trader platform, a Forex broker will use the API (application protocol interface) instructions that the major bank will provide it to setup a link that allows brokers to get price quotes in various currencies. These banks are major participants in the interbank market and are to the broker what we call liquidity providers.

Using the API, the Forex broker needs to build a connection between its backoffice and the backoffice of the liquidity providers. A typical broker will get prices from 1-4 banks - banks like Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, HSBC, UBS, etc. A small Forex broker will typically have only one liquidity provider and will be at the mercy of that bank or bigger broker for whatever prices the sole liquidity provider gives it. It is useful to keep in mind that no matter what broker you choose, you will only be trading with a small portion of the Forex interbank market, because numerous other liquidity providers will not be connected to the broker of your choice.


The Forex broker will thus use this connection to banks, or back-end bridge interface, to "aggregate" or bring together prices from various sources. The prices from the different banks will never be exactly the same, but price quotes among the largest banks are very close.

Not knowing if a client will buy or sell, the broker needs to be able to deliver both, the bid and the ask prices. But before the broker can show a bid/ask quote to clients, it must be able to secure one or multiple bid/ask prices that will allow it to earn a profit from the spread. Deciding what price to show requires complex algorithms inside a price engine that determines what price and spread to show for each pair given conditions set by the liquidity providers and limitations of their backoffice systems.

Example of a simple order: how trader and broker can make a profit

For example, a trader sees an opportunity to buy EURUSD. Let's say the broker will show its clients a spread of 3 pips on EURUSD, for example 1.2700-1.2703. Client submits an order request to buy at the 1.2703 price through the platform. The order is relayed by the broker to its back-end bridge. The broker gets these simultaneous tradeable prices from three liquidity providers:

Bank 1: EURUSD 1.2701-02, Bank 2: EURUSD 1.2700-01, Bank 3: EURUSD 1.2702-03.

Broker now confirms the trade at the quoted price and charges the trader $30 per $100,000. Broker then offsets the trade risk by buying at 1.2701 from Bank 2 (the lowest asking price).The reason for offsetting the trade with the interbank market is so that the broker remains indifferent to whether the client makes or loses money.

Let's further assume that when the trade will be closed, the broker sees the following prices from its liquidity providers:

Bank 1: EURUSD 1.2801-03, Bank 2: EURUSD 1.2799-1.2801, Bank 3: 1.2801-02.

The broker decides to show its client 1.2799-1.2802 at the time when the client closes the trade. The client trade was closed (sold) at 1.2799 (the bid price). Meanwhile, the broker closes its trade with the interbank market at 1.2802 (the highest bid price) from Bank 3.

Now, we do some basic math to calculate how much the trader made and how much the broker made from this trade:

Client opened the trade at 1.2703 and closed it at 1.2799, a 96 pip gain minus 3 pips in spread (for EURUSD, each pip is worth $10): 960 pips x $10 = $960, minus $30 spread = net gain of $930

Broker opened its trade at 1.2701 and closed it at 1.2802, a 101 pip gain minus $2 in fees to the banks (brokers pay banks a per million fee that in our example is $10 per million or $1 per $100,000:

101 pips x $10 = $1010, minus $960 client gain, minus $2 bank fee, plus $30 spread gain = $78

In addition to bank fees per amount transacted, brokers will usually have to pay a fee to their prime broker and another fee to other technology providers that provide the ultra-fast connection that allows the trade to be booked quickly. So the net broker gain in our example may turn out to be more like $74, still a very handsome profit and no matter if the trader wins or loses.

3 Types of Brokers

There are three types of brokers: no-dealing desk brokers, no-dealing desk ECNs, and dealing desk brokers. The example above shows the profit profile of a no dealing desk broker with multiple liquidity providers. A no-dealing desk ECN will have very similar results, except that the broker profit will be 50% smaller and instead of a $30 spread cost to clients, the all in cost (commission +smaller spread) might be something like $20 - a savings of $10 per $100,000 traded.

In the case of a dealing desk broker, the calculation of profit/loss for a broker is different and more complex. Typically, a dealing desk broker will manage the risk of a pool of many trades, not just the profit or loss of one trade or one account. The dealing desk will try to make money managing the net position of all longs (buys) and shorts (sells) in any currency pair. A dealing desk is much more profitable for a broker, but it also exposes the firm to wild swings in profit/loss depending on whether the dealing desk bet its net position wisely. In some ways, the dealing desk is similar to one very large Forex trading account, and a team of internal traders actively manage the outcome of this large account.

In a dealing desk model, the broker can still offset a trade with the interbank market, but it does so selectively. Let's say a trader is consistently profitable. The dealing desk broker has the option of putting him in a different trade server that gets automatic execution and all trades are offset (sent) to the interbank market. If so, the client is happy and the broker is able to still make money on the spread. The other alternative for a dealing desk is to make life difficult for a profitable trader by providing slow and poor execution until the client leaves. This second option used to be more common in the early years of retail Forex and much less common now days.

By isolating a pool of traders that is consistently losing money, the broker can earn a much more handsome profit. If 100 consistently losing traders deposit $10,000 each, after 2-3 months, the broker will have earned in spread and profit potentially $1,000,000. Because the dealing desk broker is the final counterparty (or risk taker) for the client's trade, the loss for the trader represents the profit for the broker. Although not all dealing desk brokers want to see clients lose all their money, there is no denying that a losing client enhances broker profitability. This conflict of interest has made brokers with a dealing desk earn a bad reputation.

IMPORTANT: The prices quoted by banks will typically have a duration. This means that they are valid for the broker if executed within 1-2 seconds or even fractions of a second.

Why price re-quotes occur?

When a trader gets a message that the price has changed, he or she will probably assume that a broker has put him or her on manual trade execution. Although this is possible, it used to be much more common a few years ago when it was easier to scam traders. The most likely reason for this annoying problem is explained below.

A slow transfer of prices from bank to end-user will cause the broker to show stale prices on the platform. This will be apparent when a trader requests a trade, and the broker responds that it can't offer the quoted price because the price has changed. If this problem happens during low liquidity times, it is a sign of low speed of transfer from bank to client and back. If the trader has low speed of connection to the internet, this could also cause price requote problems.

If the price requote happens after a news announcement, then it is probably because liquidity providers have shortened the trade response time for the few minutes after the announcement. Neither banks or brokers have the desire to be responsible to traders for a given price for very long. In a fast moving market, holding on a price means assuming currency risk for big sums of money. This takes us to the other problem of slow price transfer: latency risk.

What is latency risk?

In simple terms, latency risk is the risk for the broker that it has accepted a client order before being able to secure a price that guarantees a profit. Some brokers offer guaranteed execution (what you see is what you get, or WYSIWYG). In order to not assume currency risk caused by latency, these brokers have to have ultra fast transfer times and/or charge a wider spread as a buffer to earn a profit from the spread.

Latency risk is not a risk just to brokers. If a broker does not offer a guaranteed execution and a trader requests a given trade (say a Sell USDJPY at 92.99), price latency in the broker order transfer line could expose the trader to substantial losses if the price is moving fast. Instead of filling the order at USDJPY 92.99, the broker typically has the ability to fill orders at the "best available price". Instead of 92.99, the order could be filled at 93.40 or any price that the broker claims that it has received from its liquidity providers immediately after the client order was received. But there is an additional problem complicating the picture of execution during volatile periods. We explain that next.

Spread widening and trading during the news

When a news announcement is released, it has the potential for impacting currency prices dramatically, particularly if the release is much higher or lower than market expectations. This increased volatility is evidenced by a widening of the spread seen on trading platforms. The EURUSD may go from a 2 pip spread to a 5 pip spread, for example. Obviously, the larger the spread, the bigger will be a trader's to put on a trade. But it is useful to understand why the spread widens.

The spread widens because at a particular time, there is a volatile mix:

Imbalance of longs and shorts + bottleneck of orders + uncertainty in the market

The imbalance of longs and shorts refers to the fact that in an instant, what was a more or less balanced market with 1000 sellers (shorts) and 950 buyers (longs) may turn to a completely imbalanced picture: 50 shorts and 1900 longs. Everybody wants to buy and not many people are on the opposite side. Imagine a stampede on the supermarket where you can buy everything at 50% off as long as you go through one of the three cashiers in less than 2 minutes. Everybody would get as much as possible and would start to form a line, which leads us to the next factor: bottleneck of orders.

A broker accumulates orders, just like the cashier in our simple analogy. It stands as a match maker between the prices that it sees coming from the liquidity providers and the client orders that have arrived first. The fact is that during news announcements, there are almost inevitable delays during the first few minutes while the queue of orders in the system are processed on a first-come, first served basis. An order that is executed in 1 second during regular periods could be executed in 10 to 20 seconds during a volatile period, and at a very different price than requested.

The third element for spread widening is that currency markets take a few moments to assimilate all the good or bad of a news announcement. During this brief moment, there can be wild price fluctuations because of uncertainty. Trading during news announcement is extremely risky and an invitation to higher trading costs and unexpected outcomes; definitely only for the brave at heart.

Why was my stop loss filled away from my stated price?

During this period of volatility, prices will not necessarily move in a linear fashion 1.2303, 1.2304, 1.2305. A broker may see in less than one second quotes skip prices like this 1.2303, 1.2315, 1.2335, 1.2369. If a trader has a stop loss at 1.2340 and it was executed at 1.2369, it is because 1.2340 or 1.2341 did not trade at all during the time when his stop loss became active. He was given the first available price given his stop loss condition.

The backoffice systems - a reflection of the broker

As we have explored in this document, a Forex broker has numerous technical considerations to manage efficiently. Our point is that it takes four attributes to provide a professional trading experience to clients: stable/attractive technology solution, more than "adequate" capitalization, qualified personnel, and responsive management.

The broker cannot afford to be sloppy or cavalier with the trades it is responsible for, yet they are sometimes. More importantly, traders should avoid brokers that can't be transparent and forthright about their policies and technology, as well as brokers that show serious shortcomings in the four attributes described above.

Izvor: International business times
Inflacija versus deflacija
Olako obećana brzina

02. oktobar 2009. | 11:50 11:54

Izvor: EMportal

Grad: Njujork

Autor: Zdravko L. Dragaš

Koliko god impresivno delovale na stotine milijardi dolara koje se povremeno ubacuju u monetarne sisteme najrazvijenijih ekonomija ne bi li pokrenule uobičajene tokove novca i kapitala svetu, sve je više mišljenja da preti silazak u mračne odaje deflacije. To je procena nekih od zapadnih ekonomista, ali i njihovih najpregnantnijih analitičara. Jedan od takvih, investitor Mark Faber, nedavno je u televizijskom intervjuu govorio i o neizbežnom krahu sistema.

Previše izgrađenih proizvodnih kapaciteta, sve oskudniji krediti i sve mršaviji korporativni rashodi, rapidno spuštanje najamnina i oseka potrošačke tražnje, nema nikakve sumnje, pogoduju ovakvim procenama. Ponajviše u Japanu, gde to nije bila novost još ni u poslednjoj deceniji prethodnog veka. Sve jače to se dešava i u američkoj i u ekonomiji Starog kontinenta. Poslednjeg letnjeg meseca deflacija u Japanu je prešla odsudnih dva odsto. Nemačka, najjača evropska ekonomija, već četiri meseca za redom uporno beleži opadajući cenovni trend. Ni njeni susedi ne prolaze bolje. Deflacija je mnogo ozbiljniji problem, slaže se većina ekonomista, strahujući da bi njena tvrdoglava priroda mogla na duži rok zaustaviti makar i prividan ekonomski oporavak podstaknut mlazom monetarne emisije.

Deflacija je slična psihološkom stanju rezignacije, pa i apatije, u kojoj praktično nikome nije stalo do inicijative, potrošačima da se upuštaju u kupovne avanture, investitorima da se zaleću u zamašne finansijske rizike, proizvođačima da podižu pogone i zapošljavaju i mlade i stare radnike. Oni koji su do sada lako pokazivali da je jedini put za izlazak iz sadašnjeg košmara neprestano kreiranje svežih blokova novčanica sada se i sami pitaju kuda vodi takva politika.

Pesimista je postao i guverner Feda, koji je nedavno najavio mnogo lošije poslovne izglede za ekonomiju SAD u narednom periodu. Iz te institucije najavljuju da bi u slučaju stabilizovanja prilika na domaćem frontu trebalo što pre dizati osnovnu kamatnu stopu, ali uz sve rašireniju bojazan da bi u sasvim kratkom roku takvi potezi mogli biti više nego snažni okidači deflatornog raspoloženja u kom bi ionako visoka nezaposlenost postala najveća glavobolja domaćih stratega. Ona se već sada sasvim približila nivou od 10 procenat. Realnija slika privrede SAD se dobija ako se u procenu broja nazaposlenih svrstaju i oni privremeno zaposleni. Ona je tada 17 procenata, dva puta više od zvanične procene.

Jedva da u tome šta novog donose i oni koji su na poslednjim izborima uspeli da izvuku pobedničku kartu. Izborni uspesi izvojevani na krilima velikih i sumnjivo sprovodivih obećanja prete da se transformišu u velika razočaranja jer čaroban lek još nije nađen. Smanjenje poreza je preozbiljan rizik za prenaduvane budžete i na tome lako može da se polomi i aktuelna kombinacija oko formiranja nove vlasti u Nemačkoj. Nova vlada Demokratske partije u Japanu, koja je prekinula pedesetogodišnju dominaciju liberalnih demokrata, nema novi recept za povećanje izvoza, koji je samo u sektoru automobila u roku od svega nekoliko godina praktično prepolovljen.

Cena se ogleda u brojnim zatvaranjima pogona, otpuštenim radnicima, smanjenim porudžbinama u čitavom lancu dobavljača. Ekonomija SAD je u ovom trenutku zavisna od Vladinih podsticaja. Bankarski lomovi su zaustavili zajmovni optimizam koji je pothranjivao proizvodno i prometno raspoloženje. Nikome nije previše stalo do novih ulaganja. Svi ozbiljni ekonomisti ukazuju na buduće vreme stagnacije. Koliko će ono trajati teško je govoriti, ali mnogo ih je s predskazanjma od najmanje jedne decenije. Japanski sindrom, koji podrazumeva vreme zastoja ili sasvim mlakog, pa i trapavog ekonomskog hoda, traje skoro dve decenije, a mnogi ga s njim upoređuju.

Oporavak bez smanjenja nezaposlenosti gubi svaku svrhu i cela operacija postaje besmislena, otvarajući pri tom i dublja društvena pitanja. Vraćanje kejnzijanskim metodima u današnjem vremenu deluje naivno i ostaje bespredmetno. Pitanje više ne bi trebalo biti kako pokrenuti zarđali točak zamajac jer ono pretpostavlja istrajavanje na starim konceptima koji su i doveli do sadašnjih problema. Moguće da je odgovor na sadašnju situaciju i u preformulaciji pitanja. Ko se prvi usudi da postavi alternativno pitanje možda će i prvi stići do odgovora šta, a ne kako menjati.

Upgrade in Belgrade: Neophodan sistem kažnjavanja na berzi

20. novembar 2009. | 12:39

Izvor: EMportal

Poverenje investitora više nije dovoljno za ulaganje na berzi, neophodan je i efikasan sistem kažnjavanja za manipulacije na tržištu, rekao je danas Husein Erkan, predsednik Istanbulske berze govoreći drugog dana konferencije Upgrade in Belgrade.

On je upozorio na to da se sistemu nadzora mora pristupiti vrlo aktivno, odnosno da se manipulacija mora sprečiti pre no što do nje dođe. "Verujem da efikasan sistem nadzora mora da deluje na manipulaciju u početnoj fazi, pre no što se stvori manipulativna šema", rekao je on i dodao da je Istanbulska berza u tom cilju uvela identifikacione brojeve za sve investitore, čime je smanjena mogućnost manipulacija preko posrednika.

Robert Singletari, saradnik na projektu ekonomske podrške razvoju Srbije u Agenciji SAD za međunarodni razvoj, rekao je da su rezultati ankete USAID-a na tržištima regiona pokazala da je na berzama u regionu i dalje najprisutniji tradicionalni način manipulacije.

On podrazumeva namamljivanje investitora fiktivnom prodajom i naduvavanjem prometa, a onda izlazak iz te pozicije kada cena dostigne željeni nivo. On je objasnio da tradicionalni način manipulacije uključuje i lažni publicitet kompanija, kada se stvara utisak novootkrivene komšanije kod investitora. On je dodao da ipak veruje da je s piramidalnim šemama na ovom području gotovo.

Džon Henesi, viši direktor za edukacije i trening u američkoj kompanije FINRA, upozorio je da je u cilju sprečavanja manipulacija na tržištu kapitala sprovođenje prava ključna stvar i istakao da u zakonodavstvo mora biti ugrađena odgovornost, odnosno da se tačno zna ko je šta uradio na tržištu.


Izgleda da su se setili zašto stanovništvo ne želi da ulaže na berzi.