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Rezultati pretrage

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    Elevator Garage Stores Auto Under Lawn Of Home (Feb, 1938) Source: Modern Mechanix ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Feb, 1938
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    GRAVITY BALLS Tell EXACT TIME (Nov, 1931) Source: Modern Mechanix ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Nov, 1931
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    New York in the Year 2000 (Oct, 1927) Source: Popular Science ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Oct, 1927
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    Propeller-Driven Car Hangs from Monorail (Jun, 1933) Source: Popular Science ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Jun, 1933
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    Giant Sparks To Thrill Visitors At Exposition (Nov, 1936) Source: Popular Science ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Nov, 1936
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    Room with Bath – On Wheels (Jan, 1951) Source: Popular Mechanics ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Jan, 1951
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    Science Never Stops (Apr, 1947) Source: Popular Science ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Apr, 1947
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    FLYING SUPERWEAPON? (Apr, 1946) Source: Popular Science ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Apr, 1946
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    How Scientists Visualize the REAL Flying Saucer Men (Jun, 1951) Source: Mechanix Illustrated ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Jun, 1951 Čuvajte se divljeg čoveka sa Venere. :lol:
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    James Bond’s Weird World of Inventions (Jan, 1966) Source: Popular Science ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Jan, 1966
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    CALIFORNIA’S BIG SQUIRT (Oct, 1951) Source: Mechanix Illustrated ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Oct, 1951
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    FORD ATMOS (May, 1954) Source: Mechanix Illustrated ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: May, 1954
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    First Surround Sound – 1934 (Apr, 1934) Source: Science And Mechanics ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Apr, 1934
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    Are These GM’s Cars of Tomorrow? (Aug, 1950) Source: Mechanix Illustrated ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Aug, 1950
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    Sportski objekti

  16. B


    uh, taj film sam gledao preko sto puta na VHS-u. :D jedna od neostvarenih želja je DMC Delorean u električnoj varijanti, npr. sa motorom od Tesle S, uz sve postojeće moderne džidžabidžice (gps, skener vena umesto ključa, autopilot, samonaduvavajuće gume, HUD na šoferki i još par stvarčica iz...
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    Srbija - crna strana medalje

    Gledajte na to ovako: - za deset do petnaest godina kloniranje ljudi će biti potpuno usavršeno (javno/tajno - civilno/vojno, nebitno) - ukrštanje različitih ljudskih DNK radi dobijanja proizvoljnog broja različitih DNK budućih ljudi takođe - kao i veštačka materica Da li će bilo koja država...
  18. B


    Varijacija na temu prethodnog članka, uz par novina. Napredak nauke drastično produžava život Besmrtnost sve bliža Autor: Slađana Vasić | Foto: shuttesrstock | 25.10.2009. - 00:01 Za 25 godina bićemo u stanju da pretrčimo maraton (42 km) za 15 minuta ili da ronimo četiri sata bez boce sa...
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    Siromašni seljaci preobraženi u bogate kapitaliste u toku samo jedne generacije Dobro došli u najbogatije selo u Kini! Autor: E. B. | 25.10.2009. - 00:01 Duž širokih bulevara pod drvoredima se nižu redovi identičnih belih vila sa crvenim krovovima, negovanim travnjacima i garažama za dva...
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    Vesti iz regiona

    „Igma“ iz Uljme zove ulagače na selo Zemlja na poklon svim investitorima Autor: Aleksandar Čupić | 25.10.2009. - 01:31 Industrija građevinskog materijala „Igma“ iz Uljme javno je domaćim i inostranim ulagačima ponudila besplatne lokacije za proizvodne pogone kraj najvećeg sela u opštini...
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    Crna Gora

    Za izgradnju malih hidroelektrana u Crnoj Gori 10 ponuda 25. oktobar 2009. | 00:09 Izvor: Beta Grad: Podgorica Na pretkvalifikacioni tender za dodelu koncesija za korišćenje vodotoka u Crnoj Gori za izgradnju malih hidroelektrana prijavilo se 14 ponuđača od kojih je 10 ispunilo uslove...
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    Belgrade City Hall

    uuuuu, me like :) Ovo, pored Save, u Savskom amfitetatru, njam :D Leglo bi bolje nego parlament u Budimpešti (da, usuđujem se da to kažem).
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    MONORAIL Comes of Age (Feb, 1946) Source: Science And Mechanics ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Feb, 1946
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    Miracles You’ll See In The Next Fifty Years (Feb, 1950) Source: Popular Mechanics ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Feb, 1950
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    Batteries of Robots Scoop Power From Sea With Shovels (May, 1934) Source: Modern Mechanix ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: May, 1934
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    Putting Nature’s Power to Work (Aug, 1932) Source: Modern Mechanix ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Aug, 1932
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    Berlin to New York in less than One Hour! (Nov, 1931) Source: Science And Mechanics ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Nov, 1931
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    “Balloon Cops” May Clear Traffic Jams (Jun, 1932) Source: Modern Mechanix ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Jun, 1932
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    Magnets Drive High Speed Suspension Trains Thru Air (Oct, 1931) Source: Modern Mechanix ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Oct, 1931 Ovo je mislim već bilo, ali ovo je kompletan članak
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    Crowd Sees Speaker in New Address System (Nov, 1937) Source: Popular Science ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Nov, 1937