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    How You’ll Fly to the MOON (Mar, 1947) Source: Popular Science ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Mar, 1947
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    LATEST TRIUMPHS IN Electric Ships (Nov, 1933) Source: Popular Science ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Nov, 1933
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    Rubber Fortresses for A-Bomb Defense (Apr, 1950) Source: Mechanix Illustrated ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Apr, 1950
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    Par decenija ispred njih, što se toga tiče, most na Krku.
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    Naočare koje emituju titlove Autor: Blic online | Foto:NEC | 07.11.2009. - 09:43 Japanska kompanija NEC proizvela je naočare koje tokom razgovora između osoba sa različitih jezičkih govornih područja emituju titlove. Naočare nemaju stakla ali imaju slušalice i uz njih se koristi mali...
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    Razne gradske vesti, Topic II

    Bez šećera Gorčin Stojanović | 06.11.2009 SUR Loki U naslovu nedostaju navodnici koji bi sve objasnili – samostalna ugostitetljska radnja „Loki“. Ali ovako bolje zvuči, kao neka šifra. Uostalom, jeste reč o šifri. Za izvrsnu hranu na ulici. Za one koji ne znaju, odmah ću dešifrovati: na uglu...
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    Beograd - nove tehnologije

    Manhole of the Future is Powered by Rainwater by Ariel Schwartz, 11/05/09 Instead of acting as one of the most bland parts of city landscapes, what if manholes served a purpose? That’s what designers Cheolyeon Jo and Youngsun Lee propose with their “Eco Sign“, an electronic manhole cover that...
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    LED Sparks Create Energy Efficient Light Sculptures by Diane Pham, 11/05/09 What if you could design your own lighting fixture in the time that it takes to unscrew a light bulb? That’s the premise behind Daniel Becker’s Spark system, a series of energy-efficient LED bulbs that can be linked...
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    Beoculinaria - kuvanje, hrana, recepti i sl.

    Low-Energy Laser Etching Could Replace Annoying Fruit Labels by Ariel Schwartz, 11/04/09 How many times have you bit into a piece of fruit only to find that you’re also chomping on a sticker label? The small yet wasteful labels have long been the bane of waste-conscious fruit and vegetable...
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    ANDREA Air Filter Uses House Plants to Purify Indoor Air by Beth Shea, 11/05/09 The design concept for the ANDREA air filter, previously dubbed the Bel-Air, was featured on Inhabitat two years ago in its prototype phase. We’re revisiting this savvy innovation since it recently came to...
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    Kö-Bogen: Düsseldorf’s Green Roofed Crystal Complex by Bridgette Meinhold, 11/02/09 Daniel Libeskind recently unveiled his remarkable design for the Kö-Bogen, a new mixed-use development in Germany. Set in downtown Düsseldorf, the retail and office complex is crowned with a grassy green roof...
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    Herzog & de Meuron Unveil New Miami Art Museum by Bridgette Meinhold, 11/03/09 Herzog & de Meuron recently unveiled their finished design for the new Miami Art Museum, which will be a stunning building surrounded by hanging gardens with tropical plants. Fit for a world renowned art museum...
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    Cité du Design: Solar Powered International Design Center Unveiled by Bridgette Meinhold, 11/06/09 Situated in an defunct arms manufacturing facility in Saint-Etienne, the recently unveiled Cité du Design is a stunning international center for design. Designed by LIN, the project completely...
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    2009 World Architecture Festival Winners Announced by Bridgette Meinhold, 11/06/09 The 2009 World Architecture Festival took place this week in Barcelona, drawing great minds to discuss, learn, share and award excellent architectural designs and completed projects. This year’s theme dealt with...
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    Železnice u Evropi i svetu

    Transport System Runs on Super-Strong Magnetic Fields by Ariel Schwartz, 11/06/09 Instead of moving goods on resource-intensive trains, Spain-based technology company Novateq Guerrero SNL wants to build out a different kind of transportation network–one that uses super-powerful magnets to...
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    Železnice u Evropi i svetu

    A Solar Powered Monorail System For Bologna by Bridgette Meinhold, 11/02/09 Iosa Ghini Associati has designed the Energy Belt, a sleek solar-powered monorail system for Bologna, Italy that will connect the airport to the city center. The system’s smoothly sculpted lines run above the...
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    Obnovljivi izvori energije

    Small Wind Turbine Wings Like a Bee by Kevin Gardner, 11/04/09 The Birds and the Bees have inspired one startup to send forth a hovering turbine. Green Wavelength, “committed to finding ways of applying nature’s solutions to our man-made energy problems,” presented its xBee prototype to an...
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    Obnovljivi izvori energije

    $555 Billion Sahara Solar Energy Belt Takes Giant Step Forward by Bridgette Meinhold, 11/03/09 A giant step has been made in what will be the world’s largest renewable energy project. While previously just a grand vision for the production of clean energy in the Saharan desert, the project...
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    Logo: Pobednik, blago spuštene glave, sa raširenim krilima, dok obe ruke drži na maču ispred sebe. A možda se jednog lepog dana vrate korenima.
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    Forum, sajt - sugestije, primedbe, pitanja

    Kada Lucifer već pominje smajlije, ovo je sajt sa free, džabe opensource smajlijima, pa ne bi bilo loše da se udene par komada. http://www.mysmiley.net/ Moji predlozi:
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    њет! Sada sam se setio dokumentarca, desno su linkovi ka ostalim epizodama Kao da je bilo nekad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJsa9YvpuvU Ako posle gledanja i slušanja ovoga ne osetite ikakvu emociju, čestitam, zvanično ste mrtvi (ili slušate narodnjake što mu dođe na isto).
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    Taksi (Taxi) prevoz

    Nove oznake za taksi vozila Nalepnicama protiv nelegalnih taksista Autor: Goran Svilar | Foto: v. lalić | 04.11.2009. - 10:10 Odštampano je 4.000 hologramskih nalepnica koje će biti podeljene legalnim beogradskim taksistima. Na nalepnicama se nalazi grb Beograda, registarski broj vozila, broj...
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    Danas 15 godina od smrti Milana Mladenovića /video/ Autor: Beta | Foto:Blic/Arhiva | 05.11.2009. - 11:02 Danas se navršava 15 godina od smrti kultnog rok muzičara bivše Jugoslavije i frontmena grupe "Ekatarina Velika" Milana Mladenovića. Mladenović je rođen 21. septembra 1958. godine u...
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    Vesti iz regiona

    smanjili su referentnu kamatnu stopu na 10%.
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    PEACE – OR ELSE! (Feb, 1946) Source: Mechanix Illustrated ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Feb, 1946
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    Bringing the Sun Indoors (Sep, 1938) Source: Scientific American ( More articles from this issue ) Issue: Sep, 1938
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    TBM - Tunnel boring machine
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    Srbija - zlatna strana medalje

    Niški stručnjaci uspeli da unaprede uređaj za stomatologiju Prvi srpski skener za snimanje zuba Autor: Branko Janačković | 03.11.2009. - 05:00 Niško preduzeće „Medica system & products“ proizvelo je prvi srpski dentalni skener za kompjuterizovanu tomografiju kojim je osim zuba moguće snimati...
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    Balkan, ekonomija, razvoj i evrointegracije

    Srbi su nama k’o čaša konjaka Autor: Portal Jutarnji.hr Objavljeno: 17.10.2009 Sedamdesetih godina, u vrijeme kad sam bio dijete, na televiziji je igrala silno popularna serija “Salaš u malom ritu“ velikog zagrebačkog majstora Branka Bauera. Smještena u Vojvodinu, serija je prikazivala...